Guest Blog by Alkaloid Member, Lauren Keith
President & Founder
Information Exchange
Today, I am taking a moment to celebrate International Women’s Day, and this year’s theme, #BalanceforBetter. I find myself reflecting on how coworking mirrors this kind of equality and support in communities across our world. #BalanceforBetter is about gender equality and spreading awareness on discriminations that are still tolerated today, while also highlighting women’s achievements.
From my perspective, coworking is a microcosm emphasizing #BalanceforBetter every single day of the year. My coworking home has been at Alkaloid Networks for three years and I have found the following:
1. Coming Together Despite Our Business Differences
Coworking spaces are vibrant epicenters of freelancers, entrepreneurs, startups, and free thinkers pursuing their own dreams and goals. Regardless of what they are “supposed” to be doing. We are all running different companies. By being here, we are able to emphasize the balance in our workplace community, contributing to each other, and even providing services to each other. Together, we are more than our businesses. We are empathetically and emotionally supportive of each other.
2. Thrivers on Equal Energy
We don’t reserve certain perks for the more successful companies. We hold our workspace and community for every single person. It doesn’t matter where you came from or what your gender is; our coworking space is designed to be accessible to every single individual.
3. Harnessing Leveraged Diversity
We don’t just sit back and acknowledge the rich diversity in our workplaces; we use it to our advantage. We highlight diversity, encourage its inclusion, and provide educational resources that make it a beautiful experience for everyone within our coworking space.
4. Supporters of Gender Equality
We have just as many women as men in our space, working to grow their companies with the support and resources from other women and men. It’s an example of what our world can look like if we make an effort to underscore the lack of gender equality available today.
Alkaloid: A Smaller Example of the Diverse Coworking Universe
I am part of just one coworking space among thousands in the world today. I take pride in functioning as a condensed universe of vibrancy, equality, and acceptance. This special space provides a place for all entrepreneurs to thrive collaboratively. I especially enjoy witnessing the exchange of ideas and thoughts in such a way that everyone benefits; not just a select few.
We are more than just coworkers in a setting like a coworking space; we are a family. We find comfort in each other when one loses a loved one, such as myself earlier this year. Or when someone is enduring a hardship, such as our delightful community leader did last year. She and I both reached out a hand to lifted each other up, along with many others here in our special coworking home. We appreciate the collective value of emphasizing equality across our network.
So happy International Women’s Day to all the hard-working, badass, and exemplary women who aren’t afraid to tear down barriers, change narratives, and work to improve equality for ALL. I am proud to be an ally in this fight, and will continue to be part of an inclusive coworking space that is designed to highlight the forgotten value and humanity of supporting diversity.
Come join our special coworking universe here on the Atlanta Beltline.
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