Alkaloid Networks Top 5 Blog Posts of 2020

By Katharine 4 years agoNo Comments
Alkaloid Networks Gives 6

I’m sure I’m not alone in being ready to say a not-so-fond farewell to 2020. Looking back at 2020, I can honestly say that I feel accomplished for hanging tough. In taking a peek at the top blog posts, I mostly found what I expected with one surprise.

1. All Things COVIDCoworking Precautions Post-COVID19

It started with the blog COVID Response and Our Community which was published just a week before the City of Atlanta issued a Shelter-In-Place and Alkaloid Networks closed to non-essential members. As I sat in an empty office each day (I still needed to be here to collect mail for members), I quickly realized that I needed to plan for the eventually reopening. I just started doing the things that made sense based on the science I could discover to develop Preventing COVID19 At Work. Months later, after a community member was potentially exposed, I developed and posted the blog Having A Plan: Atlanta Coworking and COVID-19 Exposure Response.  With current and potential members needing to escape the same four walls each day, these posts were visited a lot to feel confident in safely visiting.

2. Moving Events Online

With Alkaloid Networks frequently hosting MeetUps, everything needed to be moved online quickly. It was the start of the Zoom fatigue we all felt in pretty short order. However, two of the online sessions shared on our blog were popular as members and the local community were looking for ways to maintain their businesses:

  1. Create Better Local SEO with GoogleMy Business
  2. Mastermind Roundtable with SEM Basics

Curating and executing online sessions takes a lot of planning so I quickly formed a Strategic Partnership with Online Leader Educator Un.Inc. The quality of sessions took a tremendous boost and this perk for all levels of memberships will stick around for a long time.

Alkaloid Networks diverse coworking community blog3. Coworking Means Diversity in Thought

And here was the surprise; a blog post written almost 3 years ago still resonates with you, dear reader. Written from my heart for all the amazing personalities and industries represented within Alkaloid Networks that have and continue to create this incredibly rich community.

4. WFH and Virtual Coworking

Making Work-From-Home WorkAgain, no big surprise that we were all figuring out how Making Work-From-Home (WFH) Work. The prevailing thought still mirrors the tactics suggested here. In late March, Alkaloid Networks launched FREE virtual coworking to support the local community. With so many people working from home all of a sudden, many struggled to find their new rhythm. Our twice-weekly Zoom-based worksprints were just the answer they needed.

5. I Heart Coworking People

Imagine my delight to see this blog high on the list. So much of the support I’ve received during this challenging year comes from this giving industry. Brainstorming answers to the question, ‘how do I best support my members?’ was always quickly answered in one of the eight coworking Slack workspaces I belong to currently. I’m grateful to be on this coworking journey with you all.

Now it’s time for a new start and refining recovery goals for 2021. I look forward to the promise of the coming year ahead. And to 2020….


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