Meet An Alkaloid: Andy Scarano

By Katharine 3 years agoNo Comments
Andy Scarano - Alkaloid Networks

Each month, we are delighted to introduce you to one of the members of the Alkaloid Networks community, a coworking space on the Eastside Atlanta Beltline. This month we visited with Andy Scarano of Eclipse Recruiting.

What are you working on right now?Andy Scarano - Alkaloid Networks

Quite a number of various positions across country in the world of manufacturing.

Who is your ideal client?

A manufacturer looking for a quality hire.

What is a common misconception about your industry?

That we find jobs for people….the reality is…we find people for jobs.

What is your big picture vision for your business?

Since I really enjoy working with my current clients, I want to continue to partner and succeed with them.

What is your superpower?

I am an excellent communicator and I’m great at following up with everyone.

What is your favorite business tool?

I use LinkedIn Talent Solutions to find the right candidates faster.

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and HamWhat book should everyone read?

Green Eggs and Ham

Why Alkaloid?

I originally came because I loved the location and always loved the look and feel of the building. I stay for the people. I can work and play at same time.

What is your favorite amenity at Alkaloid?

  1. Beltline
  2. People

If you were working from Alkaloid during the pandemic, how are you using the space?

I came in a few times a week to break up day. I always feel safe when I’m here and the COVID policies follow all the CDC guidelines.

What advice would you give someone considering coworking?

Coworking allows social opportunities, collaboration at times, and general human interaction. You won’t get that from working out of a home office. Look around and find a coworking place that fits you.

Tell us a little more about your experience at Alkaloid?

It has been great to be here from day one. I get to interact with a number of members and not just in the office but outside of it. I’m able to bounce ideas off other members who are also a part of the recruiting industry.

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  Meet An Alkaloid

Coworking On The Beltline

Find your productivity at the friendliest coworking space on the Beltline.
Leave the house, not the neighborhood.

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