Why Flexible Work Increases Productivity

By Katharine 5 years agoNo Comments
Flexible Work

Is it true that working from home, working while traveling, or coming into a coworking space can make you more productive than your 9-to-5 counterparts? It’s a question many traditional work establishments are considering today.

A recent Clutch study looked a working remotely versus working in an office. It discovered that flexible work options achieved a 13.5% higher efficiency during the work-week. In short, allowing workers to work from where they want made them more productive at their job.

That’s not all that’s been uncovered in recent studies and surveys on the topic of remote and coworking arrangements. Beyond the flexibility and higher productivity, it has also been found that 26% of employees who have some degree of flexibility say a better work-life balance is the top benefit of working outside of the office.

In that same survey, 21% listed the flexible work hours as their top priority, followed by 18% citing fewer distractions.

Being able to control WHERE you work, WHEN you work, and HOW you work can make you more productive, make work more enjoyable, and help achieve a work-life balance that makes you more passionate about your work. It’s a win-win, and it starts with a commitment to working with flexibility.

Our Alkaloid Membership & ProductivityFlexible Work

Currently, almost half of our members are remote workers utilizing the all membership options we have available:

  • Shared desks
  • Dedicated desks
  • Private offices

These members are able to run their business, work for another business or startup, or pursue their idea or innovation on their time, when they want to. These people end up working harder than those in a stringent 9-to-5 setting. Why? Because they are in total control of their destiny and their work arrangement. It’s always conducive to success and innovation.

We wanted to hear what our remote members think of working here at Alkaloid. Here’s what some had to say:

  • “I get a sense of community when I’m here, which I’ve been missing since moving to a remote position. Plus, I love the location!” – Jacqui
  • “I like to be around others; it helps with the isolation problem of working for yourself.” – A

Even Bill Gates agrees the #1 most important thing to provide to employees if you want them to be happy and productive is flexible work arrangements.

As the world devolves into a gig economy, with more people working online than ever before, it’s time to consider the benefits of flexibility when it comes to working options. With laptops, tablets, and phones, many jobs can be done anywhere, at any location. You’ll find access at Alkaloid to high quality remote working packages to help you to hone in on your productivity moving forward.

  Coworking Benefits

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