What are you working on right now?
ABowens Drug & Alcohol Counseling is currently working toward expanding it’s reach to help with the spiraling overdose crisis. Drug addiction isn’t new, but synthetic substances such as fentanyl have compounded the current situation. Individuals struggling with increased rates of substance use are looking for support. We partner with:
- individuals
- families
- organizational employee assistance programs
- public/private school systems
- Department of Transportation
- colleges and universities
We provide quality, person centered, trauma informed, culturally competent, treatment services, drug and alcohol education, and prevention services.
Who is your ideal client?
We focus on individuals who suffer from chronic addiction. These individuals are – working professionals, licensed professionals, professionals with advanced training, individuals with advanced skill sets, individuals motivated and ready to begin the process of recovery, financially and emotionally committed, proficient in the use of modern technology.
What is a common misconception about your work?
There are 4 common myths about addiction;
Myth: Using drugs or alcohol is a choice, so if someone gets addicted, it’s their fault.
Reality: No one would choose to become addicted, any more than they’d choose to get cancer. Addiction is a consequence of many contributing factors, including genetics, upbringing, trauma and other influences. People with addiction are usually living pretty miserable lives and wouldn’t choose to live that way if given the chance.
Myth: Going to treatment will fix the problem.
Reality: Addiction is a chronic disease, which means it’s a long-lasting condition that can be controlled but not cured. Treatment can be the first step toward wellness, but it’s just the very beginning. Many people need more than one treatment visit to get on a stable path to wellness. More importantly, staying well requires a lifelong commitment to personally managing the disease.
Myth: People with addiction are bad and need to be punished.
Reality: Sometimes, after prolonged substance use, people with addiction do horrible things. These bad acts are often impossible to understand. They’re due to profound changes in the brain that compel them to lie, cheat, steal or worse in order to keep using. While this behavior can’t be condoned, it’s important to understand they do it because they are deeply sick and need help. Sick people need treatment, not punishment, to get well.
Myth: Addiction mostly affects certain types of people.
Reality: This disease does not discriminate. Addiction can affect anyone. No matter your age or income, ethnicity or religion, family or profession. Nationally, about one in eight people ages 12 and up are impacted.
What is your big picture vision for your business?
I am licensed to treat substance use addiction in Georgia and Nebraska. I am currently scaling my business to be fully staffed in both states. I am also looking forward to becoming licensed in other states, as well.
What is your superpower?
The products or services I currently provide are drug/alcohol evaluations, treatment/therapy, drug education/prevention seminars ; however, this is not what I am selling.
I am actually selling hope, a lifestyle, benefits of becoming sober, confidence, happiness, freedom, independence, wellness, and positivity. Empowering others and helping individuals to recognize and believe they are deserving of, is my super power!
What podcast should every everyone listen to?
Busy Living Sober and The Addicted Mind are my top 2 podcasts.
Why Alkaloid?
One of the biggest benefits of a coworking space is the opportunity to connect with other individuals. Alkaloid is convenient, cost effective and has a “homey” yet professional environment. Although I have yet to attend any of the events, I have great plans to do so in the near future!
What is your favorite perk at Alkaloid?
Access to conference rooms, happy hour, coffee club, regular email updates and open lines of communication are all favs.
What advice would you give someone considering coworking?
You get to connect with people you otherwise wouldn’t meet.
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