Why I’m Grateful for Coworking: A Remote Employee’s Perspective

By Katharine 6 months agoNo Comments
Grateful for Coworking | Alkaloid Networks

After speaking with a number of our remote worker members, I discovered some of the most common reasons they are grateful to have a place to work (that isn’t their home). If you are a remote worker, you might find that coworking offers numerous benefits that enhance your work experience. In fact, many remote professionals have discovered that coworking can improve many aspects of their day-to-day routine and overall career.

Coworking provides remote workers with an opportunity to balance their personal and professional lives more effectively. A shared workspace can also foster a greater sense of community and networking potential among their members, positively impacting individual and collective productivity.

Key Takeaways

  • Coworking can enhance remote work experiences
  • Shared workspaces promote a better work-life balance
  • A sense of community and networking opportunities boost productivity

Boosting Productivity and Innovation

As a remote employee, you must have experienced the challenges of staying focused and productive while working from home. Coworking offers you the perfect solution to overcome these hurdles while improving your work experience. 

When it comes to productivity, coworking is an environment that’s conducive to deep work. While you can have a comfortable desk at home, evading household distractions is a huge advantage. Being able to immerse yourself in work encourages an efficient and focused session. Many of our members where noise-cancelling headsets to make focus even easier. Studies show that between 75% and 90% of coworkers feel more engaged and motivated in such environments.

Coworking culture also fosters innovation, thanks to a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere. Sharing a workspace with like-minded professionals provides you with opportunities to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects or simply draw inspiration from others’ experiences. Such interactions spark fresh perspectives and creativity, helping you stay innovative in your work. Alkaloid Networks is filled with people from all industries. It’s always fun to learn about a new business from a new member! 

Another advantage of coworking in promoting efficiency is the opportunity for more balance between your work and life. With the rise of remote work and flexible schedules, coworking spaces create a clear boundary between your personal and professional life, helping you maintain a healthy balance. I bet you have one just down the street from you.

Alkaloid Networks | Coworking on the Atlanta Beltline

Balancing Life and Work

If you are a remote worker, you might find it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Coworking is the answer! You’ll find the flexibility and support you need, allowing you to create a more structured and balanced routine for yourself.

One of the primary benefits of coworking spaces is the flexibility. You have the freedom to choose a workspace that suits your needs (shared or dedicated desk or private office). It truly doesn’t matter of you’re a remote worker, freelancer, or simply someone who needs a coworking space. This flexibility allows you to integrate work into your daily life without it taking over completely. You have the power to set your schedule, ensuring you have time for personal and professional obligations.

Establishing a solid routine is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in your life. By using a coworking space, you’re able to create these routines while keeping work and home life separate. You may find it easier to focus on your work and be more productive when you have dedicated workspace and time for your job. This, in turn, makes it easier to switch off when you leave your coworking community and return to your personal life.

Grateful for Coworking and Work/Life Balance | Alkaloid Networks

Another advantage of coworking is the opportunity to connect with other professionals. Remote work and freelancing can sometimes be isolating, but in a coworking space, you have the chance to collaborate, share ideas, and even form new friendships. I love seeing members connecting and even forming bonds outside of our community. This added social interaction can contribute to reducing feelings of burnout and keep you motivated in your work.

AND, many employers are recognizing the benefits of paying for employee coworking memberships. Since coworking allow remote employees to gain access to productive shared office facilities and communities. For employers, paying for memberships comes without additional expenses like utilities, maintenance, and cleaning that traditional offices incur.

About 90% of the remote workers at Alkaloid Networks have their memberships fully reimbursed while others pay a percentage. This is a perk that is becoming more and more common as companies shrink their office footprints. Overall, employer-paid coworking memberships are be a cost-effective option that supports remote work while fostering collaboration and networking opportunities for employees.

Fostering Community and Networking

Overcoming Loneliness and Isolation

Working remotely can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Thankfully, coworking spaces provide a sense of community that can help combat these feelings. By sharing a workspace, you’ll be surrounded by others that understand your remote work challenges and experiences. This can make a positive impact on both your mental wellbeing and your productivity. Many a member has told me that being able to discuss work challenges with someone more objective has helped them tremendously. 

Work From Home Loneliness | Alkaloid Networks

Joining community events within the coworking space is another way to stay connected. These events can include workshops, social gatherings, or even informal chat sessions where you can talk about your work or just socialize with others. Participating in these activities helps create a sense of belonging and strengthens your connection with your fellow coworking members.

Networking and Collaborations

Coworking spaces are a goldmine for networking opportunities. As you establish relationships with other entrepreneurs and professionals, you’ll have access to a diverse range of skills, perspectives, and industries. Building a strong network can be crucial to your professional success and personal growth.

In addition to fostering networks, coworking also encourage collaborations. You’ll have the chance to work on projects with other members, share ideas, and learn from each other’s expertise. This collaborative environment can lead to new business ventures, partnerships, and valuable connections that may help advance your career.

So, as a remote employee, don’t forget to embrace the power of coworking to foster community and networking. By overcoming loneliness and isolation, and taking advantage of networking and collaboration opportunities, you can improve both your work experience and your overall well-being.

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  Coworking Benefits

Coworking On The Beltline

Find your productivity at the friendliest coworking space on the Beltline.
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